Here is a list of all National Mottos belonging to Muslim countries

Worldwide national mottos.
Worldwide national mottos.

A national motto is used to describe the intent/motivation of the country in a short phrase.

In this blog, we will discover the national mottos of Muslim-majority countries.

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There is no god but God; Muhammed ﷺ is the Messenger of God

(لا إله إلا الله، محمد رسول الله)

The flag of Afghanistan.
The flag of Afghanistan.


You, Albania, give me honor; give me the name Albanian

(Ti Shqipëri Më Jep Nder, Më jep Emrin Shqipëtar)

The flag of Albania.
The flag of Albania.


By the people and for the people

(بالشعب و للشعب)

The flag of Algeria.
The flag of Algeria.


The Land of Fire

(Odlar Yurdu)

The flag of Azerbaijan.
The flag of Azerbaijan.


Victory to Bengal

(Joy Bangla; জয় বাংলা)

The flag of Bangladesh.
The flag of Bangladesh.


Always in service with God’s guidance

(الدائمون المحسنون بالهدى)

The flag of Brunei.

Burkina Faso

Unity, Progress, Justice

(Unité, Progrès, Justice)

The flag of Burkina Faso.
The flag of Burkina Faso.


Unity, Work, Progress

(Unité, Travail, Progrès)

The flag of Chad.
The flag of Chad.


Unity, Solidarity, Development

(Unité, Solidarité, Développement)

The flag of Comoros.
The flag of Comoros.


Unity, Equality, Peace

(Itixaad, Gudboonaan, Ammaan / Unité, Égalité, Paix)

The flag of Djibouti.
The flag of Djibouti.


Progress, Peace, Prosperity

The flag of Gambia
The flag of Gambia.


Work, Justice, Solidarity

(Travail, Justice, Solidarité)

The flag of Guinea.
The flag of Guinea.


Unity in diversity

(Bhinneka Tunggal Ika)

The flag of Indonesia
The flag of Indonesia.


God is the Greatest

(الله أكبر )

Independence, freedom, the Islamic Republic

(استقلال، آزادى، جمهورى اسلامى )

The flag of Iran.
The flag of Iran.


God is the Greatest

(الله أكبر )

The flag of Iraq.
The flag of Iraq.


God, Homeland, King

(الله، الوطن، الملك )

The flag of Jordan.
The flag of Jordan.


Freedom, Unity, Progress!

(Азаттық, Бірлік, Өрлеу! / Azattyq, Birlik, Orlou!)

The flag of Kazakhstan.
The flag of Kazakhstan.


God, The Nation, The Emir

(الله, الوطن, الأمير)

The flag of Kuwait.
The flag of Kuwait.


We are all for the Country, the Sublime, and the Flag

(كلنا للوطن ، للعلا للعلم)

The flag of Lebanon.
The flag of Lebanon.


Unity is strength

(Bersekutu Bertambah Mutu)

The flag of Malaysia
The flag of Malaysia.


State of the Mahal Dibiyat

(الدولة المحلديبية)

The flag of the Maldives.
The flag of the Maldives.


One people, one goal, one faith

(Un peuple, un but, une foi)

The flag of Mali.
The flag of Mali.


Honor, Fraternity, Justice

(شرف، إخاء، عدالة / Honneur, Fraternité, Justice)

The flag of Mauritania.
The flag of Mauritania.


God, the Country, the King

(الله، الوطن، الملك)

If you aid God, He will aid you

(إن تَنصُروا اللهَ ينصُرُکُم)

The flag of Morocco.
The flag of Morocco.


Unity and Faith, Peace and Progress

The flag of Nigeria.
The flag of Nigeria.


Faith, Unity, Discipline

(ايمان، اتحاد، نظم)

The flag of Pakistan.
The flag of Pakistan.


From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free

(من النهر إلى البحر ، ستكون فلسطين حرة)

The flag of Palestine.
The flag of Palestine.

Saudi Arabia

There is no god but God; Muhammed ﷺ is the Messenger of God

(لا إله إلا الله، محمد رسول الله)

The flag of Saudi Arabia.
The flag of Saudi Arabia.


One people, one goal, one faith

(Un peuple, un but, une foi)

The flag of Senegal.
The flag of Senegal.

Sierra Leone

Unity, freedom, justice

The flag of Sierra Leone.
The flag of Sierra Leone.


Victory is Ours

(النصر لنا)

The flag of Sudan
The flag of Sudan.


Unity, Freedom, Socialism

(وحدة ، حرية ، اشتراكية)

The flag of Syria.
The flag of Syria.


Independence, Freedom, Homeland!

(Истиқлол, Озодӣ, Ватан! / Istiqlol, Ozodi, Vatan!)

The flag of Tajikistan.
The flag of Tajikistan.


Freedom, Dignity, Order, and Justice

(حرية، كرامة، عدالة، نظام)

The flag of Tunisia.
The flag of Tunisia.


 Sovereignty unconditionally belongs to the People

(Egemenlik kayıtsız şartsız milletindir)

How happy is the one who says I am a Turk

(Ne mutlu Türk’üm diyene)

The flag of Turkey.
The flag of Turkey.


Independence, Neutrality, Stability!

(Garaşsyzlyk, Bitaraplyk, Berkararlyk!)

The flag of Turkmenistan
The flag of Turkmenistan.

United Arab Emirates

God, Nation, President

(الله, الوطن, الرئيس)

The flag of the UAE
The flag of the UAE.


The Strength is in The Justice!

(Kuch adolatdadir! / Куч адолатдадир!)

The flag of Uzbekistan.
The flag of Uzbekistan.


God, Homeland, Revolution, Unity

(الڷه، الوطن، الثورة، الوحدة)

The flag of Yemen.
The flag of Yemen.

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