NCOC Restricts The Inter-Provincial Road Travel On Weekends Due To Upsurge In Coronavirus Cases

The national command and operation Centre has restricted interprovincial road travel on weekends due to the rapid upsurge in coronavirus cases. The government has taken this decision after reviewing the ongoing situation of the pandemic across the country. In the last 24 hours, more than 5,000 cases of coronavirus have been reported that has created an alarming situation as the virus is spreading rapidly. According to the issued statement, it has been decided that interprovincial transport will be banned for two days a week and the decision will be effective from10th April 2021 to 25th April 2021. However, it has been notified that the NCOC will review the ban on 20th April 2021 to take further decisions according to the COVID-19. Earlier the Sindh government had also approached NCOC and asked for the ban on interprovincial road travel to minimize the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. 

Exemptions To Restrictions

It is pertinent to mention here that the government has provided few exemptions to the restrictions that are mentioned below

  • The railway will be allowed to operate the whole week with 70% occupancy.
  • Freight, medical and other emergency services will be exempted from the new restrictions. 

Decision By Sindh Government

The Sindh education minister, Saeed Ghani has announced that the schools across the province till 8th grade will be closed from 6th April 2021. As per the issued notification, the schools will remain closed for 15 days. The minister said that the students will attend the online classes and academic activities will take place according to the schedule. Furthermore to decide about the extension in the closure of the educational institutes the meeting of the national command and operation Centre will be held on 6th April 2021 in which the education provincial ministers and health ministers will participate to review the situation of COVID-19. The federal education minister, Shafqat Mahmood has also said that the decision about the commencement of the exams will also be taken by the concerned authorities. 



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