Pakistan cricket team bad performance, Misbah ul haq under pressure

Pakistan cricket team bad performance, Misbah ul haq under pressure

After poor performances in England, national team head coach and chief selector Misbah ul Haq came under fire again, after which the demand for his resignation is gaining momentum.

Misbah ul Haq’s resignation demand came after Pakistan lost the Test series from Australia, but then the demand died down after the home series wins against Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.

Pakistan cricket team bad performance, Misbah ul haq under pressure

But now after the poor performance of the team in England, news of Misbah-ul-Haq’s resignation has started circulating and it is being said that the burden on Misbah-ul-Haq is high and to reduce this burden,PCB is also thinking to divide the roles of job .

There is a lot of support for Misbah in the team from assistant to head coach to batting, bowling, fielding and spin bowling coaches . There are 6 coaches from provincial associations too.

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