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Elderly man's wedding dance video stirs up controversy among online users

Regrettably, it must be acknowledged that the practice of dancing at weddings is swiftly gaining popularity in Pakistan. There is apprehension that this trend may evolve into a custom in the future, as several customs from other cultures have been adopted in the past and are now observed even if they are not desired. Nowadays, it has become ingrained in the minds of Pakistani people that their wedding celebrations will be incomplete if their entire family does not participate in dancing.

Elderly man's wedding dance video stirs up controversy among online users

Undoubtedly, many of you have witnessed dance performances at Pakistani weddings, and many individuals are quite distressed about this trend. They worry about its impact on the younger generation. Recently, numerous weddings in Pakistan have gone viral due to their dance performances, and this has sparked concern among some people.

It is astonishing that a woman named Ayesha gained social media fame overnight a few months ago after dancing to an Indian song at her friend’s wedding. She became an instant sensation, and her fortunes rose rapidly. Soon, famous television channels in Pakistan began inviting her as a guest on their shows. This trend highlights the unfortunate reality of the promotion of superficiality in our country. Instead of aspiring to become doctors, engineers, or lawyers, people are now opting to become dancers, hoping to achieve overnight fame.

Elderly man's wedding dance video stirs up controversy among online users

In today’s article, we will see a viral video of an elderly gentleman’s dance performance at a family wedding. He dances with such energy and enthusiasm that one could easily mistake him for a young bachelor. Despite his age, which appears to be that of a father, his moves exude youthful exuberance.

If you wish to witness the high-speed dance performance of this elderly man, simply click on the link below and watch the video.

After the video went viral on social media, people shared their amusing opinions. Here are some of the comments:

Elderly man's wedding dance video stirs up controversy among online users
Elderly man's wedding dance video stirs up controversy among online users
Elderly man's wedding dance video stirs up controversy among online users

Elderly man's wedding dance video stirs up controversy among online users
Elderly man's wedding dance video stirs up controversy among online users

Do you believe that dance culture is being given more importance than education in Pakistan? If so, please share your thoughts with us. Thank you!

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