PHA Developed Asia's Largest Urban Forest In Lahore: Gillani -

The Parks and Horticulture Authority (PHA) has developed Asia’s largest urban forest, a popular plantation technique of a Japanese botanist Akira Miyawaki, here at China Park near Saggian.

PHA Developed Asia's Largest Urban Forest In Lahore: Gillani

Sharing details of the urban forest with APP here on Sunday, PHA Chairman Yasir Gillani said that PHA had developed the Asia’s largest urban forest by planting 160,000 trees and shrubs over 100 kanals of land.

“We have also developed around 53 Miyawaki forests in different areas of the provincial capital to create sinks for carbon as well as for the better pollution abatement in the city,” he mentioned.

Gillani said that more than 500,000 sapling and plants were being planted across the city under the ongoing monsoon tree plantation drive. He said that under the door-to-door plants distribution drive in the metropolis, around 50,000 plants would also be distributed.

Similarly, PHA workers were also distributing plants among the people on the various city roads under Plant for Pakistan drive.

These PHA drives, he opined, would sensitize and encourage the people to play an effective role in making the environment clean and green, thus ensuring a healthy society, citing, “Maximum plantation and greenery ensures a healthy environment.”

The PHA would also develop more urban forests in the city and it was working on identifying more spots to establish forests under this project. He said that various kinds of shady and fruity trees were being planted in these urban forests.

Yasir Gillani said that PHA was also focusing the students and educational institutions in its plantation strategy, saying that the teachers and students of educational institutions were being contacted and encouraged by the PHA.

He said that private sector including companies, industrialists, trade bodies and businessmen were also contributing to the plantation under Clean and Green Pakistan and other plantation initiatives of the authority by donating various kinds of plants.

Originally published at Urdu point

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