PMC Issues Guidelines For Candidates About MDCAT 2021

The Pakistan medical commission has issued for the candidates about MDCAT 2021. The candidates are informed to follow the mentioned instructions in order to avoid any inconvenience. It has been notified to the MDCAT students they are required to bring one of the following to the examination center on the day of the medical entry test.

  • CNIC
  • NADRA Smart Card/Juvenile Card
  • Password

The candidates have to bring valid identification documents to the examination centers. B-form will not be accepted for the purpose of the identification of the candidates.

Instructions By PMC

Earlier the PMC had made it mandatory for the candidates that are under the age of 18 years to bring the NADRA smart card/juvenile card to the test centers. The candidates without the smart card will not be allowed to sit in the examination hall. Furthermore, the Pakistan medical commission has also extended the date for the registration for MDCAT 2021. The candidates can now submit the online admission form till 25th July 2021 and the fee must be submitted by 20th July 2021. Any delay in the submission of the fee and form will not be accepted by the commission. So the candidates are required to submit the fee and form at the appropriate time according to the schedule issued by the commission. 

MDCAT 2021

The Pakistan medical commission has informed the candidates that the MDCAT will be held from 30th August 2021 to 30th September 2021. The test centers will be formed in the various cities of the Pakistan and SOPs will be followed in all examination centers. The test syllabus and pattern have been provided to the candidates preparing to appear in the medical entry test so that they can do the preparation according to it. To get more updates about the MDCAT 2021, stay in touch with



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